Giovedì 4 Ottobre

13:00 Registration
14:30 Welcome
15:00 Animal Behaviour and Communication
15:00 Favaro L, Cresta E, Fumagalli E, Pilenga C, Bandoli F, Isaja V, Pessani D, Gamba M
  Rhythm variation in display songs of the African penguin at individual and colony level
15:15 Palagi E, Marchi E, Cavicchio P, Bandoli F
  Play fighting and facial communication in slender-tailed meerkats (Suricata suricatta)
15:30 De Gregorio C, Zanoli A, Valente D, Torti V, Bonadonna G, Randrianarison RM, Giacoma C, Gamba M
  Females call the shots: characterization of the song’s rhythmic structure in indris (Indri indri)
15:45 Tartufoli B, Bargnesi F, Bucci G, Puce S, Gridelli S
  Observations and cognitive experiments on a group of three female Asian small-clawed otters
16:00 Coffee break & poster session
17:00 Zoos for Conservation
17:00 Lunghini E
  A.I.G.ZOO: the growth in Italy and Europe
17:15 Lefaux B
  The Primates' Integrated Conservation, the role of European zoos
18:00 Genero F
  Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) in the Alps
18:30 Icebreaker
18:30 LIFE+ Northern Bald Ibis: impressions of a European reintroduction project


Venerdì 5 Ottobre

8:30 Registration
9:00 Opening
9:00 Saluti delle autorità
10:00 Spiezio C, Sandri C, Regaiolli B
  Behavioural Variety Index (BVI): a tool for the assessment of zoo animal welfare
10:30 Coffee break & poster session
11:00 Conservation Education
11:00 Pievani T
  Gene drive for conservation?
12:00 Bruslund S
  Silent Forest - Communicating the Asian Songbird Crisis
12:45 Silent Forest Campaign @ PNV
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Zucchi D
  Research: worth spreading
14:45 Dell'Aira K, Siligardi PG
  Reaching the goal: evaluating educational activities in Italian zoos
15:00 Bosco F, Ghizzi T, Bosco G
  Can young people play an active role in protecting biodiversity?
15:15 Educandato "Agli Angeli"
  Schools and zoos: working together for the future of urban biodiversity
15:30 Grasso C, Lenzi C, Pollo S, Vitale A
  Human and non-human primates: visitors’ perception in a wildlife sanctuary
15:45 Capasso M, Rizzelli D
  Mediterranean reptiles: an educational project
16:00 Coffee break & poster session
16:30 Veterinary Medicine
16:30 Mazzariol S
  Large cetacean strandings and health monitoring: known and unknown
17:00 Cordon R, Bandoli F, Luminelli D, Cavicchio P
  Monitoring and treatment of lung parasites in red pandas and meerkats: a case study at Pistoia zoo
17:20 Balboni A, Musto C, Kaehler E, Caniglia R, Fabbri E, Carra E, Berzi D, Cotti C, Battilani M, Delogu M
  Is tongue an adequate sample for detection of canine adenovirus type 1 in free-ranging wolf (Canis lupus)?
17:40 Fioravanti T, Renzi F, Bargnesi F, Gridelli S, Splendiani A, Caputo Barucchi V
  Museum specimens to describe the genetic diversity of the critically endangered Mediterranean sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus – Rafinesque, 1810) population
18:00 Spani F, Scalici M, Carosi M
  Corpses conservation: an example of “ex-situ conservation” to preserve knowledge
18:20 De Mori B, Ferrante L, Florio D, Normando S
  The Ethical Checklist for Conservation Projects (ECCP): a tool to improve the ethical review process
19:00 WWF YOUng: Elephant Tusk Force Tour


Sabato 6 Ottobre

8:30 Registration
9:00 In situ conservation
9:00 Conde DA
  Assessing the landscape of species knowledge on survival and fertility to protect the extant mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians worldwide
10:00 Bulacu A
  In situ conservation of the European bison: from selection to the formed herd
10:30 Coffee break & poster session
11:30 Hagatis A
  A preliminary analysis of the habitat use of 2 European bison herds from Tarcu Mountains, Romania
12:00 Avesani Zaborra C
  Parco Natura Viva and A.R.C.A. work together for the future of wildlife
12:45 Group photo
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Torti V, Beccaro G, Gamba M, Afraitane K, Rasamimanana H, Andriaholinirina Volasoa N, Miasa E, Ratsimbazafy J, Andriamaniraka H, Bounous G, Giacoma C
  Parco Natura Viva & University of Torino in Madagascar: innovative conservation and sustainable resource management
15:00 Sandri C, Flaubert F, Modesto M, Spiezio C, Misci C, Puglisi E, Mattarelli P
  A first insight into gastrointestinal microbiota of the Seychelles Giant Tortoises
15:30 H.S.H. Princess von Liechtenstein T, Crisp E
  Green Teen Team: bringing young people closer to nature and conservation
16:00 Biello R, Spiezio C, Zampiglia M, Nobili G, Zannini M, Mazzotti S, Crisp E, Sandri C, H.S.H. Princess von Liechtenstein T, Canestrelli D, Bertorelle G
  A reintroduction plan for confiscated Testudo hermanni individuals: genetic aspects
16:15 Sandri T, Prettejohn M, Bunge D, Davis N, Jones M, Cain B, Harris WE
  A newly developed id system allows for population monitoring of mountain bongo in the wild
16:30 Coffee break & poster session
17:30 Workshop - Animal capture, restrain and handling: safety and health procedures
17:30 Delogu M
  Wild bird capture, restrain and handling
19:00 Aperitivo e Asta
20:00 Social dinner

Domenica 7 Ottobre

9:00 Registration
9:30 Animal Cognition & Welfare
9:30 Bolcato S, Regaiolli B, Ottolini G, Pievani D, Spiezio C
  Are you smarter than me? Problem-solving abilities in different species of macaws
9:45 Smith OCD, Patterson S, Quintavalle Pastorino G
  Novel object recognition test to assess cognition and long-term memory of ex situ lions and tigers in the UK
10:00 Toledano L
  Biodiversity: do we really know it? Stories of new species and parks
10:30 Coffee break and poster session
11:00 Animal Communication and Welfare
11:00 Ferroglio C, Spiezio C, Gamba M
  So happy together: behaviour of white-bearded sakis and Azara’s agouti in a mixed-species exhibit
11:15 Bertoni V, Normando S, Cozzi A, Valsecchi PM, Spiezio C
  Might feline semiochemicals affect the European wildcat behaviour?
11:30 Quintavalle Pastorino G, Mazzola S, Faustini M, Vitali F, Pirrone F, Albertini M, Curone G, Nicoll D, Moffat L, Pizzi R
  Comparative personality traits assessment of three species of communally housed captive penguins
11:45 Sconfienza M, Isaja V, Ponzio P, Piga S, Macchi E
  Non-invasive monitoring of endocrinological and behavioural response of animals to management: an effective assessment tool for zoological gardens
12:00 Scozzoli M
  Phytotherapy and veterinary medicine: combining nature, science and tradition
12:30 And the winner is...
13:00 Group photo and farewell cocktail



Parco Natura Viva

5 ottobre 2018 - ore 18:30

In occasione della sua nona edizione, il Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi ospiterà una delle 6 tappe italiane dell'Elephant Tusk Force Tour organizzato da WWF YOUng.

Elephant Tusk Force Tour è l'aperitivo scientifico itinerante italiano promosso dai volontari WWF YOUng a sostegno della campagna del WWF Italia per sensiblizzare sul tema dell'avorio e del bracconaggio degli elefanti a Dzanga Sangha, nella Repubblica Centrafricana. In questa occasione vengono affrontate anche tematiche relative all'ecologia e alla conservazione di questa affascinante specie.

Il relatore di questo appuntamento, introdotto da Fabio Elleon, sarà Davide Palumbo, biologo esperto di fauna vertebrata che si occupa di ricerche sui grandi carnivori per diverse aree protette, con pubblicazioni in ambito internazionale.

Quote di partecipazione

- iscritti al IX Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi gratuito
- partecipazione al solo evento "Elephant Tusk Force Tour" a partire dalle 18:30 € 15,00*
- partecipazione all'evento e alle sessioni scientifiche del 5 ottobre 2018 € 50,00*
* 1/3 della quota di partecipazione all'evento sarà devoluta direttamente al WWF per sostenere la tutela della riserva di Dzanga Sangha.

Scarica la scheda di iscrizione


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