Parco Natura Viva, in collaboration with the Italian Union of Zoos and Aquariums (UIZA) has been supporting since 2016 the conservation activities of the bamboo lemur population and its natural habitat in the area selected by the project named Bokombolo, within the Maromizaha forest. A total of 150 endemic bamboo tress from Madagascar (Bambusa vulgaris, Cathariostachys sp) were planted in Bokomobolo, as well as 300 voapaka, 100 makouba and 100 fruit trees. Educational activities and thematic laboratories are also implemented for families who own agricultural land around Bokombolo and for children in the Anevoka primary school to raise awareness among the new generations about the importance of natural resources to safeguard ecosystems at risk.
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Furthermore, Parco Natura Viva funds some scholastic paths of local young people interested in dedicating themselves to conservation, and finances research scholarships for university students.