Parco Natura Viva supports the  Red Panda Network - RPN and its in-situ conservation activities for the red panda, a marvellous species and particularly threatened in its environment of origin. RPN protects this species by preserving its natural habitat and involving directly the local communities. This project is carried out through scientific research, raising awareness and education of local population, that is involved in surveys of this species and in the protection of the area where it lives. Furthermore, RPN has built an anti-poaching network that patrols the protected areas to monitor the red panda and inform competent authorities of any poaching activities. Thanks to this network’s hard work, in 2015 it was registered a 60 % decrease in the presence of traps in the Panchthar-Ilam-Taplejung protected forest of eastern Nepal. 
The park participates to activities supporting the rangers, and in 2019 became one of the first Red Panda Challenger, contributing to the reforestation and plantation project in Nepal.

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Furthermore, the Educational Department of Parco Natura Viva, in collaboration with ARCA Foundation, has realised and illustrated a book called “A ciascuno la sua coda”.  Thanks to the big illustrations and information boxes on the animals, the book was designed to introduce children to the animal world. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the book is donated to the Red Panda Network.