Parco Natura Viva supports Proyecto Tití is a multi-disciplinary conservation programme that deals with protection of the cotton-top tamarin in its natural habitat, and pursues this objective in different ways:
  • with field research to monitor and learn about the cotton-top tamarin in the wild, in order to understand what the necessary factors to its survival are;
  • protecting, restoring and connecting forests, so to increase the habitat range of the Cotton-top Tamarin;
  • educating and raising awareness of both local and international communities on the needs to protect this species;
  • involving local communities to achieve sustainable development compatible with the protection of the forests.
Making the conservation of natural resources economically feasible for local communities can not only guarantee the survival of the cotton-top tamarin, but also Colombia’s entire flora and fauna. The cotton-top tamarin can in fact represent a flagship species for the conservation of natural resources in Colombia.
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Throughout the years, Proyecto Tití has established two main action sites in the north-western region of Colombia: Atlántico and Bolívar. Between 2011 and 2018, 5,000 hectares of protected forest for the cotton-top tamarin were created in Atlántico and Bolívar, now protected under Colombian law and representing 6% of the remaining forests in the overall historical distribution of the Cotton-top Tamarin in Colombia.
In 2018, the cotton-top tamarin was also chosen as the mascot for the 2018 Central American and Caribbean Games, an international sports event held in Barranquilla. This brought great visibility and attention to the status in nature of the Cotton-top tamarin.