Marketing and Communication

The Park offers visitors an enjoyable visit combining nature and fun whilst at the same time helping them to discover different animal and plant species.
There are numerous recreational and educational activities specifically organized by the Park staff and thanks to constant promotion by the Marketing Department, whose specific objective is the promotion of a proper approach to children and young people in the world of animals.

The Park Marketing Department is responsible for several areas:

- Increasing the visibility of the Park by standard and alternative tools (advertising, sponsorships, conventions, etc..)
- Promoting appropriate ‘push & pull’ commercial activities
- Taking care of coordinating the Park’s public relations communications (national and local advertising, material aimed at different audiences and different channels of communication)
- Organizing events in the Park and promotions in places of special interest (shopping malls, fairs, etc..)
- Participation in brand awareness projects
- Finding sponsors and developing co-marketing activities
- Supporting projects in favor of socially useful institutions\organizations\families
- Coordinating public relations activities and representing the company with state institutions

The Park offers a service that consists of several important aspects - culture, education and entertainment – deeper and less “commercial” than other free time activities.
This makes the management of marketing activities even more tricky as it must always be consistent with the values of the Park and its commitment to the conservation of endangered species.

The many social networks on which the Park is active : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Youtube.
Click on the icons below and.. FOLLOW US!